This time I show you my profile from the left side

and I have just the force to push on the button
Despite my 19 years I still don't need a facelifting !
I think I could copy and paste the same text each week. Nothing has changed, no birds, no mousies no neighbors, it's just too cold !
Rosie warms up her belly in an elegant pose
does her washing in the 5 min sunshine but inside.

Since at least 2 or 3 years she never again had collected her mousies during the night and put them in or around the bowls. Since a few days she has started again, poor thing has only found one mouse the others have all disappeared, so I have to buy some new one. Meanwhile each morning I fish out a wet mouse put it on the radiator to dry and find it the next morning again in the bowl. At least we both have an occupation.
Arthur the philosopher waits for better times and thinks about past and future

just like humans where they get the best ideas and inspirations
Meanwhile he observes the outside from the inside or the inside from the inside.
Poor kitties, they are all bored! I hope you get some warmer weather soon.
Cheer up my friends! Spring is here and soon it will be warm enough for you all to go out! Purrs!
Rosie, Kim, and Arthur always bring a smile to my face, they have such a great life and do some strike some wonderful poses. I am sure come summer (or even spring proper) they will enjoy being more active.
Toodle pips and purrs
Kim, you only look about 5 :) THat is too funny with the mice in the water.
You all look so good, Arthur, Rosie and Kim. We hope you get some warmer weather soon!
Rosie, our Ava also likes to put her mice in the water bowl. :)
I bet they are NOT bored...just patently waiting for when they can get out and about!
I find that watching the outside is exciting enough for me!
Kitties the sunpuddle is coming soon. We have them here today after rainy day yesterday.
Emma and Buster
Just think, the sun will come out soon and so will the real mousies. That is something to get excited about fur sure! Hugs! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews
Arthur, I'm glad you had enough energy to take that selfie.
Years ago I had a kitty who loved to put her toys in the water dish. She also wanted to play fetch with them.
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