Aaaaaw I nearly got a heart attack now see how I am looking on this selfie ! Don't sneak like that in the room !

and I ! I look as if I came from a diet cure !
Leave me in peace, I am already in bed, come back tomorrow !
My cats, especially Arthur enjoyed the social life I had lately here in our house. My friend from France was here for a week and as you can see very much appreciated by the cats !

While Arthur took the opportunity to dig a hole in the grass for his natural needs, Rosie wanted to be petted. When Arthur had done his business he also wanted also to be petted.

And Kim ! Who hated all humans (me included) choose my friend as new companion and even neglected Mr. G. Every evening while watching TV she sat besides Claudie !

When one of us is outside she comes too and sleeps in the grass.
Otherwise she prefers to stay inside and sleep on my cables !
I had bought a new backpack and had thrown it on the floor, Rosie thought it was a new bed for her and spent the whole night on the bag !

For the above meme Arthur had to take a selfie ! Of course he needs my help. He choose to hide under the kitchen table and I with my smartphone crawled behind him. What a good morning exercise !!