When he is not sitting on the little table and cut the view of Mr. G. watching TV, he comes over to me who watches a YouTube movie, walks on my keyboard messes all up and creates strange programs. I pushed him down but it's like a ping pong ball he jumps up again and wants to watch the movie with me. Fortunately he didn't like it and finally strolled away. Arthur is a very stubborn cat.

Rosie had caught a mouse again and Arthur wanted to play with it too. Unfortunately for him the mouse was already in mouse heaven so they just admired the corpse, which I had to bury in the bin !
Now that's cold and rainy again, Rosie loves to nap on the radiator
Kim becomes less and less shy, here she has taken Mr. G.'s place and he didn't dare to disturb her.
Pookie seems to feel good, she put on again some weight and continues to give her morning concerts until she thinks that now she is full.

When I look out of the window, the view changes, but not the pose !