And fortunately ! At the entrance of the bathroom lay a dead mouse and Rosie was admiring her prey ! I took a kitchen roll paper collected the mouse and put her in the bin. Rosie was offended.
We also had the visit of our grandson now 5 years old. As usual Arthur was happy about this visit and had a lot to do.

Here he watches over Toby who is cleaning the dining room from crumbs. Arthur was not even afraid of the little vacuum cleaner !
For the first time the other cats showed up too and stayed with us in the living room.

Pookie, visit or not gave her morning concert and then lay down and washed herself from top to bottom. She even sniffed at the toys.
Rosie slept on the radiator and observed us from time to time. The only one who didn't show up and hid was Kim. But that's not new !
Four cats in the house and still the mice get in? Well done Rosie but those other cats need to help you patrol the premises.
Great job with the mouse, Rosie! I'm still not quite sure how those things get killed.
Gatina fancy having to pick up the dead mouse when all your little helpers were washing their furs!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh a mousie! We wish one would come into our house so we'd have a live toy to play with.
Oh my!!!!!!!!
You´re a hunter!
Where do these cats find the mouses?
Emma and Buster
I bet you were glad you did not step on that :) Your grandson is adorable.
You put the mousie in the bin ?!? We're shocked ! Poor Rosie ! Purrs
Midnight mouse...that's an adventure. I don't think I would have thrown it in the indoor trash for fear that kitty would retrieve it. It's wonderful that some of the other kitties are becoming more brave and staying out with your grandson.
glad to see your cats again.
do get a flu shot
and feel profound during winter break.
My Cats and Funny Stories has been included in our Sites To See #455. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.
Rosie, we are appalled that Gattina put your mouse in the bin. What a shame! ;)
We love seeing Arthur and Toby together. Such good friends! And how nice of Rosie and Pookie to join in, too.
Astrid is our mouse hunter. We haven't seen any yet this fall, but by the time winter arrives, Mom knows we will be bringing her mouse presents. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
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