It is cold outside and Rosie and Arthur try to find a compromise to sleep on the heating and warm up their bellies. Arthur waits patiently that Rosie would end her nap, then as soon as she had disappeared he lays at the same place. Sometimes I just think I am getting crazy, each time I look out of the window the cat has changed.
In the evenings while I watch TV, Rosie rather watches my slippers and keeps my lap warm.
Ol' lady Pookie has finally found a napping place for the night. I had bought a new basket for her and had put it besides my bed, as she can't jump on it anymore it is too high and of course also squatted by Rosie. After a few weeks she finally decided to move in and now when I wake up I find her there, starting her morning concert.
Despite the big basin I had put in the bathroom, each morning she has to have her "coffee" at the tap ! She does it only once in the morning otherwise she uses the basin to drink when she is thirsty ! She also becomes as regulated as a train schedule.
Rosie too has discovered the basin, but not for drinking, but as a bath for her mouse. It had been a long time she hadn't done this, and now each morning I find always the same mouse swimming in the basin.
Arthur was happy this weekend !
Toby our little grandson was here to celebrate his 4th birthday. He generously offered a piece of the plastic cake to Arthur, but this ungrateful cat preferred his cat food !
As usual he was busy with running behind little cars,
But shortly before bed time they watched TV together, Toby had tried out Mr. G's headset.
When they left, Arthur walked Toby to the car ! Unfortunately I didn't have my camera, it was so cute !