Now it's a week that I am home and after some very rainy days the sun finally came out since the weekend.

Arthur became a very busy cat with all the garden work around ! He helped me to pull out weeds, happy that I digged out holes for him and he couldn't understand that I closed them. Therefore he opened them again. He checked my utensils and was very interested in my gloves. It is hard work when Arthur helps ! There is earth everywhere on the white tiles !

Fortunately after a while he had enough, took a sunbath and then settled down on the gravel in the shade of the car.

Kim disappeared inside as soon as I showed up with my garden equipment and went inside. As soon as I had finished she went out again. She is an remains a strange cat !

Rosie preferred to watch my work from inside through the window. The new neighbor's dog was in the garden and she isn't used to him yet. He looks through the hedge, but doesn't bark at her. But still, for Rosie's delicate nose a dog stinks !

Pookie seems to be happy that I am back, she leads her old lady life, mostly besides me on the sofa, when she is not claiming for food ! Which happens each time when she sees us moving around. She has become a little skinnier, but not too much and still climbs on the sofa or beds with a little difficulties, but that happens to us humans too !
Good to see all four cats 'busy' as usual and leading their independent lives. Even Kim is on her feet though her eyes seem to have disappeared again.
I do think everyone is glad you are back!
Our puss, Ella is very least over 20. We are taking her to a neighbour when we go away next week so am going for a cup of tea tomorrow, with the neighbour to have a chat and assess what we need to take for Ella.
Always enjoy seeing your beautiful cats here! I'm surprised Arthur chose to lay in the shade instead of the sun. My cats love to lay in the sun no matter how hot it is.
I love to come here because your photos are awesome!
Arthur , can you imagine that my mom-person too say´s it´s hard work when I´m helping her ??!!
We had rain over here to for a coouple of day´s , but today the sun came back :)
My mom-person heard on the news that we are getting up to +25 C later this week.
I like your photos. :)
What capable supervision you had for your garden work!
We love your pansies and they are so big and colourful. Arthur is posing nicely with them. It sounds as though Kim doesn't like to get her paws dirty as she stays inside when the work is getting done! Enjoy the sunshine.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
So nice that you have some nice weather! We love how Arthur helps you, even if it means more work. :)
We are glad to see that everyone is doing pretty well.
Good to see all of your kitties~!!!
Kiss Rosie and Arthur for me~!
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