I had no courage to unpack my suitcase when I returned from Tunisia. I just left it there, anyway the clothes which were in there were summer clothes and not yet needed for the Belgian climate besides the fact that they had to be washed.

Rosie was delighted for two days she slept in there, making only an exception during the nights, where she cuddled happily in my arm, which I had to withdraw after a while because I got a cramp.

Arthur played like crazy with my beach slippers, they must have a very special smell, probably of the hotel cats too.

He also takes himself for "Google street view" and watches what is going on in the street, while I am "working". Arthur is often out now, the weather is nice and spring makes him moving.
The other day when the doorbell rang and I opened the door, Dominique was standing there and besides her sat Arthur. He had walked her to our house door and on her way back he walked her home. Arthur is a gentleman. (when he doesn't bother his harem with his spring feeling energy, he wants to play and they don't !)

and on the top, this morning he sat besides my bed and asked for breakfast !

Pookie continues her daily routine, by talking a lot, eating a lot and sleeping a lot. At her age she doesn't care about spring anymore.
From Kim I haven't seen very much, only for breakfast, she now is again more outside then inside. I only realize that she sleeps inside because she always leaves a lot of hairs on her sleeping places !
The fact that we changed to summer time this weekend didn't affect them at all !
Happy April Fool's day !
Rosie wanted to get her smell back on your things!
Arthur, I love you in your Easter Bunny suit, that is so clever.
Too bad those beach shoes don't fit you.
We love the style of Arthur's Bunny suit!! Maybe he can wear your slippers while he's acting like a bunny.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
For once my mom-person did unpack her suitcase the same day she came home from Liverpool.
Maybe because she needed the clothes :)
Me too LOVE to play with my mom-persons slippers , they smell almost like valeriana ;-)
Happy Tuesday to you !
Looks like Arthur and Rosie enjoy having you and your stuff back home :)
I love the bunny suit and love how you played with the slippers. welcome back to your mum
Wow, that must have been a fun trip. :)
Woof, you're back, Gattina! Yey! But you missed my drooly birthday!
Happy Birthday Arthur.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy birthday, Arthur.
Happy Birthday Arthur!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Arthur, hope you have a lovely day and your Mum roasts a whole chicken, just for you!
Luff from
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