Since a few days, Rosie and Arthur decided to spend the night with me on my bed. It was a long time that it didn't happen. Mostly it is Rosie alone who sleeps with me.

So when I wake up in the morning I have this nice view.

My friend Claudie from the South of France spent a few days with us and fortunately brought sunshine in her luggage ! The cats appreciated her visit very much, especially Pookie as you can see.
One evening, while we were watching TV, we heard a strange noise. A pigeon had flown through the open French windows and fluttered around in the living room ! Followed of course by an intrigued Arthur. It hid in a corner and Mr. G. could grab him before Arthur approached for a sniff !

He put it outside in a safe place besides the flower pot and when we looked the next morning it was gone. But the next evening it happened again ! We didn't know if it was the same pigeon, it landed in the kitchen. Same procedure, Mr. G. took it outside and put it in the ivy, far away in our garden. Unfortunately this one didn't survive and we found it dead the next morning. We suspected Arthur the terrorist, but weren't sure, as a pigeon is so big and so far he had never payed attention to them. We have quiet a lot around here.
Pookie didn't care, she admired Claudie sitting on the sofa
and so did Kim

When I looked out of my window this morning, I saw a white bag on our neighbor's car. At a closer look I saw it was Arthur who took a sunbath and probably made some paw graffiti on the roof !