Arthur is in full spring energy ! While Dominique was working in her yard, he sneaked through the French doors into her house. When she came back, she found him sleeping on her bird's cage !!! The cage is very big and the birdie very small, so there was enough room for Arthur's nap. Apparently the birdie didn't bother and Arthur had lost his hunting instincts ! She only regretted not to have her camera ! It must have been a real funny view !

He jumped again onto my tray and tried to leak off the chicken sauce, despite the fact that the sauce was covered with my apple peels ! I tried to chase him away using a magazine, but he always jumped back and at the end he hissed at me and finally went away !
I don't know how it will be with me being alone, as Mr. G. has gone to Italy yesterday ! Thanks to his cat education allowing everything while complaining, I hope I don't have to fight with Arthur every day while I am eating !

But how could I be angry with this sweet cat who sleeps on my bed and was upset because I woke him up with the flash light ! As my punishment he barfed on my bed !

Rosie discovered the neighbor's house roof ! Arthur often climbs on there (I don't know how) and watches over the neighborhood, but Rosie had never done that ! Unfortunately I couldn't catch them sitting side by side, when my camera was finally ready I just got a shot of when she climbed down, while Arthur stayed on the roof for quiet a while.
I think she was surprised by her own audacity ! It's impossible to take a picture of her outside, because each time I show up with my camera she comes towards me !

Pookie has discovered a new friend, although this magzine holder stands there for ages, now she loves to rub her face on it !

She is also the only cat who loves to be photographed ! She purrs and makes pasta as you can see at her paws !
Now I will see how they behave, if they will miss Mr. G. and have me alone as a catsitter !
At least with yours, their bad habits were taught! My roommate Binga learned them all on her own. Have fun!
Hahaha, Arthur knows how to get back at you for disturbing his sleep!
We love Pookie's new friend! Purrs!
Good luck as lone catsitter to spoilt cats! :-)
Arthur is a little bugger :O))) Hope Rosie is careful on that roof - and I love Pookie, she is so pretty.
MOL Arthur has such a personality!I imagine the scene, you chasing Arthur with the magazine in hands!
wow I'm impressed with the adventured that Rosie had faced on that roof!
Rosie and Pookie are always gorgeous, love all pictures!
purrs dear friends and I wish you all peaceful naps!
Luna and mom Léia
Me too would have LOVED to see a picture on Arthur sleeping on the birdie cage :)
Your cats sure have a great outdoors to explore! I'd be nervous if my cats went up on a roof! Better leave Arthur alone when he's sleeping.
What great pictures of Rosie on your neighbour's roof - that looks much more interesting than our roof!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Arthur is such an imp! It's always fun to hear of his mischief-making.
That picture of Pookie with the magazine holder is cute.
I luv the kitties. Sorry one was sick.
I like Pookie staying on the bed~!
Looks very comfy and satisfied :)
I like your new friend Pookie. Poor Arthur, he must be missing Mr G. that's why he barfed on your bed.
Arthur makes us smile every time we visit your blog. He is such a character!
Rosie, you are beautiful, so we can see why you like the camera so much. :)
Pookie, your friend is nice-looking, but we bet she does not talk very much, right?
Has Kim decided to be an outside cat again?
What a great bunch of fun!
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