Dominique came back from holidays and had taken back her canaries !

Arthur couldn't believe it for a couple of days and watched the door !

For the moment Arthur is a very active cat ! It's love time in cat's world and as he is an eunuch, he expresses his feelings otherwise ! He runs around, chases his tail, hides and seeks himself or ...

runs behind his harem ! Pookie sends him to hell and disappeared in the cat flap. Rosie too, doesn't like that he runs behind her and jumps on her, after all he is quiet heavy !

To my dispair, he also has discovered a new litter box, he uses the bark instead of earth ! Unfortunately under the bark is a plastic lay agains growing weeds, but with his digging I don't know if the plastic will resist !
He also has re-discovered my lap and has become a real cuddle cat. You should see my shanks full of little red scratches, because he hasn't learned to keep his claws inside and makes pasta on my knees !

and when finally he has "worked" enough, he now has chosen Mr. G. desk chair for his naps ! A fact which upsets Mr. G. as he refuses to sit on the floor.

Pookie too, suddenly wants always to sit on my lap, and here she waits that I finally sit down !

From Rosie there is nothing special to report, no mouse this week, but she likes to play with little things she finds on the terrace.
Please try to visit at least 5 of the other participants !
How nice that Arthur and Pookie want to cuddle (except for the part about Arthur's claws!). And Rosie, we are glad to see that your behavior is so consistent. :)
I guess the world is Arthur's litter box!
I love your sweet cats, above all Rosie and Arthur.
I think they think the house is theirs, they just tolerate us!
Calm down Arthur - you're exhausting to watch! Thank goodness Rosie hasn't murdered any mice this week - love those shots of her playing :O)
Sometimes I wish we had cold weather just so that I could spend the day cuddling with my furchildren. :)
Rosie we think your tummy is beautifully white - we'd love to know what you are playing with. Hannah often waits for me to sit down too and gets quite impatient if I find I've forgotten something and have to get up again!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Arthur is practising shiatsu. He needs to try massage instead! Bless!
Arthur really live life to the fullest! :)
Arthur seems to have quite a full day :)
Arthur realy is a man cat and master of his home. I too love to knead mums lap ans she also gets little scratches from my claws but I mean no harm.. Hugs GJ xx
two cuddle bugs? Now that is nice. Except for the clawing and the indoor garden - but then again, you can't have it all!
Arthur, I can't beleive you weren't clever enough to get at those canaries. Better luck next time, I'm sure they'll be back again sometime soon.
Arthur always finds cool places for enjoying naps! Rosie looks also very relaxed playing on the terrace there.
Why doesn´t Mr G want´s to sit on the floor ??
I mean we cat´s do it all the time :)
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