One evening laying in my bed and reading a book, I suddenly saw a little hill on my bed.

I wanted to straighten out the cover when suddenly I found some resistance in form of Rosie who played "undercover". So I left the hill and continued to read my book.
When Rosie arrived in 2007, I had bought this tower for her. Ever since she was the only occupant, Arthur and Pookie weren't interested at all in this strange thing.
But things change and since a couple of weeks Arthur has discovered the tower ! Rosie wasn't very happy with that and although she loves her Arthur (or I like to believe it) she was not prepared to share her place with him.

But cats are different than politicians, they find an agreement. Rosie on the top as always and Arthur in the bottom. This is usually the view when in the morning I switch on my light. They both wait for breakfast.

Then I saw them starring at something, which turned out to be Pookie, who also wanted breakfast.
When her belly is full she loves to lay on the computer desk and watch Mr. G playing cards or making payments, then she comforts him.
That is very nice that Arthur and Rosie are sharing the tower! They are getting along much better than my naughty kitties! I see Pookie does not want to miss breakfast!
Happy Cats on Tuesday!
Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam
Happy Tuesday kitties.
Emma and Buster
I see that as long as Arthur stays below her, Rosie is okay with sharing the tower!
Nice to see Rosie and Arthur sharing, I'm sure there's room for Pookie too. And how nice of the Pookster to comfort your poor husband after he has to pay bills - ahhhh :O)
All your cats seem to agree so long as they agree to Rosie's Rules. Rule on Rosie and show the household who's really in charge.
It is obvious who is Top Cat ... Rosie!, lol
I wish Hannah and Lucy would pay our bills! They are always missing at that time ha!ha!
However they are always there at breakfast time.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
It's great that Arthur and Rosie were able to come to an agreement on the tower. If only humans could accomplish that more often.
Cats agreements are so interesting. It's nice though that Rosie and Arthur have come to a peaceful agreement when it comes to the tower.
Pookie you are such a good girl to comfort Mr. G. when he pays the bills.
I always enjoy hearing about your cats. They are always doing something while mine just seem to eat and sleep!
Good that Arthur and Rosie cold make an agreement about the tower :)
Me too like to lay on the computer desk and help out.
Happy tuesday to you !!!
My cats are nowhere to be found come bill paying time! They don't want to be blamed for anything!
Hi and thank you for hosting! This is my first time to join in the fun. I have 2 males and 1 female and the boys don't mind sharing the cat tower at all! Your cats are beautiful.
Good friends, good job - what a great deal!
Mjaugreetings from Sia
Cosmo and Ling won't share their tower. It's always a either me or you. Rosie is so nice to share her tower with Arthur. Maybe one day you may find Rosie, Arthur AND Pookie sharing the same tower! That would be a real surprise.
MOL...I think Arthur is a little bit slow !
Hey guys, we are back! The kitties have missed saying hello :-)
I have the same challenge -- I often find "mounds" in my blankets that is one or more cats rolled up and quite comfortable. Makes getting up a challenge sometimes -- LOL
The furballs send purrs!
Hi friends!
have a great Wednesday!
Id like the world to sing in purrfect cat-harmony. Sharing makes the world a better place.
When Amidala wants attention, she simply places herself on my PC keyboard. She sure knows how thing works.
Cats are good in negotiations!
Thank you Gattina for your comments.
I'm not a bull, but born in May - a Taurean character!!!
I know google is not always correct in translating!
Happy Day to you ;:OD)
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