Another week where my little cat family prefered to stay inside as it was cold and wet with temperatures around 0°C (32 F). Even Kim didn't sleep outside in the yard, or in her tent, but prefered an old carton in the garage to a nice basket, which is also standing there. She really behaves like a homeless.No way to take a picture of her, she sleeps on my bed sometimes, but as soon as I enter the room she runs away. I suppose she didn't hear me when she slept on Mr. G's bed, otherwise I couldn't have taken this photo ! When she is hungry she shows up in my room, I feed her but she won't eat until I have left the kitchen ! She really is a very strange cat. We have to catch her to go to the groomer but so far, no way ! If I didn't know her from birth on, I really would believe she is a feral cat !

Rosie each morning when I open the stores, sits on her "weather station" and waits until daylight shows up to check the weather, then she does her morning gymnastic and runs and jumps through the house, growling like a feral dog, I have never heard a cat making a noise like this ! It's strange that such a little one can make such impressive sounds !
Then she starts her napping marathon.

When I read my book in my bed in the evening, she watches over me and I have this funny view ! The little hills under the cover are my feet.

We had some worries again with Arthur, because each time he ate his canfood he throw up, but as he ate Rosie's dry food during the whole night, I thought it can't be something serious and I bought the special "Hill's" cat food again for him, and yes, that was it, because he didn't vomit anymore and is eating now like a horse !! If we go bankrupt it's because of Arthur !
To show me that I made him a happy cat he gave me this seducing look !

Pookie as usual, doesn't put a paw outside not even for natural needs, she uses the litterbox in the garage, spends her days as Mr. G's body guard, watching him shaving, helps him at the computer and of course in the evening reads espionage stories with him.
Please don't forget to visit each other !
If anyone is interested in my "Saturday's Photo Hunting" it is here on Kehyole Pictures The theme list is in the sidebar under my profile.