The whole day I was looking for Arthur in the house, basement and outside ! He were nowhere ! Mr. G. joined in and we both started a thorough investigation.and finally found him where we never had expected ! He was sleeping peacefully in Rosie's

cat tree where he never had put a paw and we have this thing since 4 years ! He was so lazy that he even didn't come out for food and ate hers which was just standing in front of his nose !
I noticed on Monday evening last week, that poor little Rosie walked on 3 paws. Next day I took her to the vet. She said that a claw was sore in her paw and gave her a shot. Then the big question was how to give her a pill for four days ! Rosie doesn't eat anything but her dry food and even the pill diluted with water and put in a syringe wouldn't work because she spits it out. So I asked the vet if I could give her the shots instead of coming back every day. Of course she said if you are not afraid of syringes and I am not.
For four days Mr. G. picked her up, and held her while I lifted the fur and shot ! She was a little surprised by this daily treatment and watched us with suspicious eyes when we approached, but otherwise it went smoothly and without problems.
Unfortunately now after 4 days she still walks on 3 paws, the leg is not swollen anymore and I can't see anything at her paw. She behaves like usual, eats and goes out but everything on 3 paws, so this evening I have to go back to the vet to see if there isn't something else.
Pookie is happy that Mr. G. has a cold and spends most of his time in his bed caughing and sneezing. Therefore she decided to take over the job of a nurse, calls herself "Nurse Pookie" and takes care of him.
Arthur having enough of being squeezed in the cat house decided to move also into the bed. Now they are three !