For Belgium it had snowed quite a lot and my cats were a little disorientated. After two days of playing inside cat, Arthur finally had enough and decided to go outside and put his paws in this white stuff.
Apparently he liked it, because a little later when I looked out of the window I saw him sitting under the bushes and watching the garden. Then he looked left and right and decided to try out the snow as litter box ! And apparently he likes it, because now I have less to clean the litter box inside !

After a day in the snow he now takes his naps again against my bed and even during night warms up my slippers. I very much appreciate !

Miss Rosie doesn't go out, she watches Mr. G. each morning when he leaves to have a coffee with his friends and of course to chat, don't say there are only women who chat !
Rosie doesn't like snow at all and stays glued against the house wall where there is no snow, I tried to get her in the snow by throwing a little snow ball, but she turned around and quickly ran back into the house.

There she spends most of the day on my bed during nights too of course and in the morning I still find her mousies which had been in the living room neatly ranged around the bowls. One of the little once she always droppes in the water bowl but with the bigger once she only puts the tail ! I thought it was a coincidence, but no, it's every morning the same picture ! She really has a housewife complex !

and Kim and Pookie stay in Mr. G's bed all day, that's very nice of them, because I can't make it of course without disturbing them, and I would never do that !
My cats are always exhausted after
they go outside in the snow. Maybe
they're overwhelmed by what they
saw, or perhaps because they're not used to the cold temperatures!
I don't think my kitty ever seen snow like that before, I wonder what she would do when she saw the snow?!?!?!
Our cats don´t like the piles of snow we have here. They ask me a few times the day to let them out but after a few minutes they come back. Luzie is the only cat which stays outside for longer. She hate it to be locked in the house with all the other cats.
Ich kann den Schnee nicht mehr sehen. Leider wird es nicht weniger.
Target gets cold when the temperature drops to 20C so I think he would HATE snow!
Arthur looks so sweet in the snow. He's a hero!
Hello dear Friends, dear Gattina!
You made me smile here now about the Rosies's housewife complex, I loved the picture showing the mouse with their tail inside the water, funny thought and I think you can be right indeed!She is so intelligent!
I visited our garden during this weekend...Ahhh Gattina, it's really cold!I tried to walk by it's difficult!So different from my life in Brazil.After this adventure, mommy help me to be dry and I got to take a nap in her bed!I think I deserved it!
Beautiful pictures!I hope Pookie and Kim can give you some time to prepare Mr. G's bed tonight!
Hugs , purrs and love
*** You live in a nice place, I loved the view from that window!
Rosie and mousies are funny! From a tropical perspective, that snow looks awesome.
Aww just look at Arthur, doesn't he looks like a cute snowball? MOL!
Prudence and Muning
Arthur looks so cute outside in the snow. So does Rosie warming your slippers.
I don't know what my kitties would do with snow lol. It's been getting cold but of course we don't get the white stuff here in Florida. Happy COT!
Our kitties stay inside but I don't think they would like the snow very much - too cold and wet for them. I think they would rather stay in a bed too!
Rosie is so funny wiv her mousies! We love it that she SO carefully places them. And she is very sensible staying in the warm!
We got lots of snow here but we don't get to go out in it. Miss Rsie is so funny the way she arranges her mice!
Arthur blends right into that snow, doesn't he? I think Rosie's got the right idea! I was really laughing at that picture of the mouse with its tail in the water bowl. I remember she put a real mouse in the water bowl too, didn't she? ROFL
I think Rosie is so funny with her little mice around the water bowl.
Thank goodness no more live ones.
Arthur looked as white as the snow.
Arthur likes the snow... Wow.. I hate it.. I think Rosie has the best idea.. I love the way she arranges the mousies.. Hugs GJ xx
You kitties have that white stuff. We have two feet of it and it will not melt. We have huge mountains on the side of the roads everywhere. Some of it is dark gray now and mom says it looks like concrete
I like being in the house. It is warm. Your house looks cozy
Arthur blends in with the snow nicely. And was nice of him to brave the cold to give you less work :)
So great to check in on your 'kiddos'!!!
Beautiful pictures of Arthur and Rosie!
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