As Halloween is approaching I thought I could take out my little decoration and at least decorate the living room. Usually nobody does decorate for Halloween inside the house in Belgium and outside it just starts since a couple of years. I began to do it, because I think it's nice to take over cute uses of other countries. My friends appreciate and like to come to see what I have done.
After half an hour of research through the whole house I finally found the plastic bag with the Halloween stuff and put it on the floor !
Rosie was enthousiastic about the bag and had to check the inside immediately

How interesting all these little witches, they were so different from her green and pink mousies

and they had a broom ! Rosie settled down in the bag and watched what I was doing now.

I decorated Arthur in the hope he would make a nice face and I could subtitle the picture with "Arthur and his witches", but Arthur wasn't in the mood for being a top model

He turned around and showed me clearly that he is not interested in witches at all.
In my halloween "archives" I also found this horrible spider I had bought to frighten my friends who usually screem when they see it.
Not so Rosie

She found this beast very interesting und started to play with it.

Arthur didn't find this spider very exciting and just opened a little his eyes. Then they both settled down for a little nap, with the spider in the middle. That was when I took these photos !
Please don't forget to visit each other !