At this proposal Arthur only yawned ! He is since ages an active member of the Green Party and fights for environmental purposes ! Therefore he wears a green scarf, sign of the Party.

After having checked all THREE bins if the garbadge is nicely filed separately, he collapsed into a well earned nap.

He also checks the water consumption

Rosie too is an active member and only chooses GREEN toys !

Pookie follows the others and shows them NOT to use the litterbox but the garden for their private businesses. It makes the grass green and the flowers growing !
I think you are presenting a very good example~! Let's green together~!!!!!!
You all look great in green!
Thank you for my daily picture of Arthur. He is such a handsome boy!
Thank you for accepting the Dare! You are such great environmentally conscious cats!!! And look so handsome in the green scarf!
Those green scarves suit you all very well! You look wonderful. We should think about joining our Green Party too!
Mindy & Moe
You are all so green and cute! Yes, I will join the party as long as I don't have to wear a scarf :)
You are all very green! I like the green scarves too.
This is a great game. My humans recycle all the paper and plastic that my food comes in.
You are presenting a very good example and good job! You are so lucky because you can use your garden for your "private businesses" (muahahaha!) and makes the grass green and the flowers growing!
Your kitties are beautiful!!!
I have four and am wanting another!
Thanks Gattina for your comment on my blog :-)
Your paintings are beautiful! and your cats too :-)
Happy puuurrsss..
PS: We live in the same country hihihi...
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