

My cats were all raised from aristocats to aristocrates. Please note that from now on you have to great them with the following titles


His Most Noble Lord Arthur the Saturnine of Buzzing St Helens

But he still sleeps in my wardrobe and apparently hasn't even washed his back. Probably he is waiting for his personal Buttler.Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


Empress Pookie the Foamy of Peevish St Victor

Now that she is an empress, she prefers sleeping on a garbidge bag. Noblesse oblige !


Her Eminence the Very Viscountess Lisa the Sheepish of Similar Ealand

has finally earned her thrown


Viscountess Kim the Philomath of Bampton Underhoop

waits now for her 4 oh' Clock Tea and Toast.Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

And I ? Probably have to serve them more now !

Friendster images


Ingrid said...

If you also make your cat(s) to aristocrates, her is the link :


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are great titles! :) Pookie is an Empress! That's very impressive. :)

FelineFrisky said...

AH!! Lisa looks EXACTLY like Punkin. And mine being a Princess, she's in royal company! LOL

What a beautiful family you have! Aren't they just the best?! Thanks for dropping by...off to check on the COT rules. CYA! D :)

Unknown said...

Those are great titles! Gattina see you my cat in tuestaday?

Sigrun said...

I have changed the blog after the trouble with beta.


TorAa said...

OMG, Gattina, have you at last been appointed to become a servant at the Royal Court. What an honour.

When the Hignesses do what they do, they expect their servants to clean up and to serve only royal food, and to do their beds more proper than even the Princess on the Pea would accept.

I will not, repeat not, let my cats read this post. I'm not sure I can endure the consequenses.

And Sunday is another p-day.

Great post once again

R. Duckie said...

Quacks to you, Kitty! Good to see other animals blogging strong.
Quacks, and Pecks,

newbie meezer said...

OMG dude! you're me, i'm you...which of us is which? lol. you is a very handsome kitty mr arthur :)

Anonymous said...

Love the names. I have never had a cat, but I have friends who do. Cat lovers are very special, lovely people. I just enjoy yours from a distance. A-choo ! :)

Puss-in-Boots said...

Well, Gattina, you know what they say...Dogs have owners, cats have staff!

What wonderful names, I must see what Oscar's title is. Although, I think he would be more impossible than usual if he knew he had a title.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Well, Gattina, you know what they say...Dogs have owners, cats have staff!

What wonderful names, I must see what Oscar's title is. Although, I think he would be more impossible than usual if he knew he had a title.

Obsidian Kitten said...

How funny! Emma has recently been crowned "Queen of Everything."

She makes me laugh and laugh (as I wait on her hand and foot...)