Since Rosie had been so sick I feed her in my room to keep an eye on her and to see that she eats correctly. She also has special dry food for fragile stomacs. To avoid that the other cats touch this (very) expensive food I have put it in a little bowl on top of her cat tree. She is the only one who can go up there at least that's what I thought. This night I got up for little girls and then went back to bed again.

Rosie's cat tree, the bowl decorated with a red mouse of course
Suddenly I heard a big bang and then as if somebody breaks very dry twigs. It was my clumsy Arthur who is too heavy to jump on the platform of the cat tree, so he used my rocking chair which had banged against the closet to reach the cat tree and enjoy the good food.
After having accomplished this heroical act and with a full stomac he jumped on my bed like an elephant and fell asleep, soonly joined by Rosie.

The view I had laying in my bed
Your new kitty food does wonders for the tummy they are both sleeping so
sweetly and soundly! They are so cute
They look so cute sleeping together. My dog Ruby went to the vet today and was prescribed TD food to help clean the teeth. Pearlene decided she wanted some too so now I will be giving it to both of them mixed in with their regular food. Just like little kids if one has something the other has to have it to.
My hero...the fat Arthur! Hugs! :)
What a cute picture, both together laying on your bed.
Arthur is like Olli. They could be brothers ;o)
Gattina, ich hab Probleme mit deinen Bildern. Sie laden extrem langsam und das mit dem Schrank geht gar nicht, ich seh nur den oberen Teil.
Arthur and Rosie look so sweet together on your bed, and you can't stay mad at Arthur, he just wants special cat food too.
Hi Gattina,
Your tree reminded me of two friends.
Ally adopted two strays, she bought a carpeted tree for the cats. She went away in a hurry. Her friend Pat offered to babysit the strays.
As Ally was in a hurry, they forgot to take the tree to Pat's house. These strays were really wild cats and they scratched a lot. When Pat came home from work, the cats had scratched her furniture. She had no experience with cats and had no idea about untrained cats.
But Pat and Ally remained steady friends, not even scratching cats could ruin their friendship.
Ah, cats will surprise us when they want something badly.
Hello sweet friends!
Wow Cats on Tuesday is so modern and charming!I also loved the new background, I love butterfly!
I think Rosie and Arthur prefer Gattina's place because it's sweet , calm, full of good energies and of course Gattina's perfume!It's a sensation that they are peaceful and can take a great catnap there!
Spring is coming, I'm so happy this week!
Enjoy your Tuesday dear friends,
purrs and love
*** Mommy and dad loved the little village in Belgium called Durbuy!
Arthur is da King! I hope Rosie is getting better. By the way, I was at Brussels for a week last Month. I should have made and effort to meet with you had I remembered at the time. Would have love to see you and you kids!
Ah sleeping beauties.. Clever old Arthur.. I love the sleeping picture.. I added my link to you new gadget.. Hugs GJ xx
ROFL, the hazards of having the cat tree within jumping distance of the bed! The picture of Arthur and Rosie at the foot of your bed is just too cute for words. :D We have a window over our bed and the cats like to jump to the bed frame and perch to look out. Then they'll jump from there onto our bed to nap. Well, I understand how you feel because when I nap during the afternoon I'll often feel the bed jump around as Kosmo does a belly whopper leap from the frame to the bed! BTW, I love your new linky stuff!
Such a funny post!! I can just picture Arthur trying to get to the dish! What will you do with the cat dish now? Look at those two sleeping soundly on your bed, so innocent.
I got instructions on how to get some weight off my dackels. Feed them more often, but less food. They are happy to eat more often!
the new link up is very cool! How clever is Arthur, he knows good food when he sees it lol. Happy COT!
If there is food they will find it...can't stand for another cat to have something they don't have! Two very contented looking kitties :-) Love the new links...they do that at SkyWatch, too.
Full belly, soft bed, loving mommy what more could a kitty want?
(Squashies puts her fluffy in her bowl too, why do you think they do that?)
Good for Arthur......:) Mancats are very smart!!!!!!!! We loved the pic of him and Rosie on the bed together.....they are so adorable...xxxxxxxxx
Naughty pussycat! Well, they sure know how to get to yummy food, don't they? Give them a pat from me! :)
Arthur is a funny cat. Such a character. Glad Rosie is feeling good!
Arthur probably has a sensitive tummy too hahaha
Mom makes me sleep in my own room. she says I am too hot to sleep with her! Arthur and Rosie are lucky
bonkbonk happy day to all of you
Way to go Arthur. Did it taste good enough for the effort?
How can that be:
King Arthur Clumpsy.
You must give the King more attention.
Even though the Princesses also needs it;)
I can't help but think how cute they look lying there! And how much they look like my 2 cats!
I know what you are going through! But your story is hilarious. I hate to say "good for Arthur," but he did good! I hope the food helps Rosie feel better. I wish I had some suggestion on where to hide that food.
When food is the motivation, we find our cats can do remarkable things! They looks so peaceful sleeping there together. Adorable! :)
The way to a cat's heart is through their stomach...and preferably someone else's (very) expensive food!
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