When we all thought that the snow was gone for this winter, it snowed again. Arthur, to manifest his disagreement with this white stuff in his garden, used it as litterbox. The only practical thing with snow is, that digging little holes in it is so easy.That's at least his opinion.

Lisa choose a not very romantic or comfortable place to nap .... the human litter box

We are all very worried about Rosie. I noticed on Friday evening that she wasn't as usual. Saturday afternoon, it was getting worse and sunday she spent all day laying in her basket and wouldn't eat drink or go to the litterbox. She was apathetic. Immediately yesterday morning I called our vet and she said I could come immediately. She checked her from top to bottom but couldn't find anything else only that poor Rosie was deshydrated and had temperature below normal. She had to stay there for blood analysis and perfusion to hydrate her. In the evening I called to ask how she is and the vet told me that she has to stay there for another day before we get the results of the blood analysis and also because she still needs perfusion. If only I would know what happened. She doesn't go out and doesn't eat anything special either besides her dry food and she is only 2 years old.
It's useless to describe you how I feel.
Oh no, poor Rosie. We hope that she will be okay. We are purring and keeping our paws crossed.
I am so sorry that Rosie is not well. We will say our prayers for her. Maybe it is not serious.
Arthur looked almost as white as the snow.
My chihuahua jumps up on the toilet seat and sits to wait for me to get out of the shower.
Hugs to all from
Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines
Oah No!
I am so sorry to hear about Rosie!
Michico and I and Lego are praying for her, we all pray that she will be ok!!!!!!!
We are worried about you Rosie, please GET WELL SOON.
Well, Arthur doesn't mind the cold because he is well padded with fat - very huggable.
Hugs to Lisa.
Hope Rosie get well soon. Do keep us posted.
Arthur seems to blend right in with the snow! And we're purring and praying for dear Rosie! Here's to her feeling 100%!
Arthur seems to blend right in with the snow! And we're purring and praying for dear Rosie! Here's to her feeling 100%!
Oh poor Rosie and poor you too. We're purring for you and hope Rosie is better soon.
Aww Rosie, I hope she would feel better soon.
Arthur looks like having a lot of fun out there, is he not feeling cold? But he surely looks photogenic in the snow.MOL!
Oh Gattina, I´m so sorry to read about poor little Rosie. We hope she gets well soon.
Here we get new snow again today and storm. We hope we don´t snow in again.
Ich komm dann mal wieder um zu sehen wie es Rosie geht. Die armen Tiere können ja leider nicht sagen, was ihnen fehlt. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass es nichts schlimmes ist!
Oh, no! i will pray for Rosie.
Dear Gattina,
So sorry about the news, I will be here praying for Rosie and her faster recover, please be positive.
God bless you
purrs and love
*** please, give us updates about her okay!
Poor Rosie...we hope she is just feeling the winter glum. We will pray for good news.
Get better soon little Rosie.
Oh poor Rosie, I sure hope they find out what's wrong and she feels better soon. I know you are worried.
Poor Rosie! I hope she is better soon. I love the photos. My cats just looked at the snow and refused to go out.
There will always be hope. Big hugs to you and all the furry ones!
We are sending healing purrayers for Rosie. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
We got more snow too. We are purring and praying for Rosie to be all better.
well, I've been gone a long time from CoT; hope it's okay that I pounced right back in!
Best wishes that Rosie recovers quickly; I imagine you *are* worried sick! Poor baby!!
Hi, We saw your comment on the Cat Blogosphere. We don't have any experience with a diabetic cat but we know others do. It does not have to be the end!
But we need to tell you that no one can reach you through the link you left on the CB. We kept getting problem loading page and not found. We checked the url and you have two periods in the address.
See, this is what you accidentally typed, probably because you're stressed.
Just remove one period where there are two. We wish you well with Rosie!
(((Gattina))) Oh no, I am so sorry about Rosie, any news? Hope all will be well!
I was smiling at the pictures of Arthur and also descriptions where he & Lisa were relieving themselves!
oh no... poor Rosie. We really hope that she will be fine...
btw, I DO love your red theme kitchen.. very cute :)
Oh no I am so sending purrs and prayers for Rosie.. Get well soon little one. we are routing for you.. Love the pictures of Arthur.. thinking of you.. Hugs GJ xx
Ohhh, we will be purraying for Rosie. When we lived in St. Louis our neighbor cat Mr. Bing had diabetes, and his Daddy gave him insulin injections, and that helped him lead a good life. In fact, when his Daddy went on vacation, our Daddy or our neighbor Aunt Cathie gave him the injections, it was easy to do with Mr. Bing and he didn't mind at all. We hope Rosie will be okay ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Well, it is late here on Tuesday and I am hoping that Rosie is home and doing well.
Maybe she had swine flu O_O
no really, I hope she is feeling better. maybe she is sick of winter too.
Here we just had a report that we have two more storms coming to us in the week ahead. One tonight and one of Friday.
I am going to be hopeful for Rosie. She is too little to be sick. I know you are sad and that is completely understandable. Mom says if I get sick she will go crazy, she just goes crazy if I do not finish my food!!!
best wishes for a healthy Rosie
I think "The Romantic Place" -
- well at least our present kittens loves when papa is sitting there. LOL
Oh Rosie, we hope you are okay. Please feel better really soon!
hope rosie gets better soon!
So Arthur "likes" the snow! He matches it as well!
funny Lisa!
I'm so sorry about Rosie. I hope she feels her better self soon.
It's very worrisome when one of the furries is ill and especially when we don't know what is wrong. We are purring for Rosie.
I hope Rosie will be okay!
I saw on the CB that your sweet Rosie has diabetes... a friend of mine had a cat with diabetes. She gave her insulin injections and changed her diet and she was able to live a relatively healthy life. Vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin is also very helpful for diabetic kitties who have developed diabetic neuropathies. Best wishes on caring for your Rosie.
'Kaika's mom
Poor little Rosie, we are purring real hard for her to get better. Try not to worry because we think she is strong and the VET can help her.
We just read about Rosie at the CB. We hope she gets back home and starts to feel better very soon. The PM's cat when she was in highschool developed diabetes. He came home from the vets and got better with his insulin shots and specific foods. He was about three at the time and lived to be almost ten. The PM now has a friend whose cat has it too and she has had it for many, many years and she is 18 and 1/2.
It is very manageable. Try not to worry too much, hopefully she'll be home very soon.
Purrs, Goldie
We agree with Goldie above, our best friend (my Uncle Jack) has a kitty with diabetes and she has had it for years and years, other than her daily shots, which she loves cause it makes her feel better, she is an otherwise happy & healthy girl. We're all purring for you sweetie!
Poor Rosie, we send her many rumbly purrs to help her feel well again and hope she comes home soon.
Our apes had a cat who developed diabetes - Patti. It was not severe and our vet treated Patti with a course (about 7 weeks) of a drug called a "glipizide" this helped Patti's pancreas regulate the insulin. Patti also switched to Hills MD tinned food (comes in dry form too) it is a lower carbohydrate food and higher protein. Patti's diabetes resolved itself within about six months. Our vet told us that stressful events can cause diabetes in cats and often with conservative treatment the diabetes resolves so there isn't a need for insulin shots at home. We hope Rosie can be stabilised and treated easily and feels better soon.
Whicky Wuudler
Poor Rosie. We know there are several cats with Diabetes, one being Fat Eric:
We know his mum had to inject him and change his diet and he is doing really well on it. We are not sure if he still has the injections or if he manages it well on diet alone now. We are fairly sure that he only has Stinky Goodness now and no crunchies. We are sure that if you leave a comment on his blog, his mum would be only too happy to give some advice.
Purrs and headbutts to Rosie, and re-assuring (((hugs))) to you.
Rosie will be OK with some diet changes, maybe insulin and lots of love...don't worry she will be home soon.
Poor Rosie! We're so sorry she's not well. We hope you get some answers and that she gets better soon.
Cliff and Olivia
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