I am too tired

why does it itch ?
I better sleep
Today I will tell you how I spend my days as an inside cat ! Honestly I like this life, nobody bothers me only sometimes a human I don't like because she uses this awful thing which makes a lot of noise and she walks around with it to clean the floor and carpets. Fortunately there are many places for me to hide.

Late afternoon I play a bit with my green mousie, there are two, but I don't know where the other one has gone ! I ran around to do my exercise and growl to keep my voice in shape for the night. I like to meow and sing loud when they sleep and I can't understand why she gets angry and shouts from her room "Rosiiiiiiiieeee, stop it!"

When she goes to sleep, I come with her to try out my claws if they are still sharp enough which again makes her angry because, she says, I have my tower with the scratching post. But I like to change a bit, the feeling is different !

As a good body guard I check the bathroom for her in case there is a spider, she hates spiders and screems, I like to catch and eat them, they really taste good !

Then of course I have to choose where to sleep during the night, on the blanket or on the bedsheet ?? difficult choise ! I choose the bedsheet, because anyway once she is asleep I move up and sleep against her back !

Here I wait until she gets up, and then go with her to the kitchen for her coffee. I don't eat when somebody is around, I do that during the night when I am in peace and nobody disturbs me.
And then I climb on my cat tree and watch the birds outside ! Sometimes there are mostly pigeons and magpies, a little big for me !
Sometimes I go outside and look down on the lawn and see some other cats. But really I don't want to go further, I like it on my terrace.