I still love to nap on my scratching board
or besides my little ceramic kitty
again a Selfie ... I am really not in the mood !
Look ! You scared me !! you sneezed so loud that the walls trembled !
Our lockdown continues, in fact not ours only mine and Mr. G. Miss Rosie can go wherever she wants to.

But she doesn't she keeps us company and when she goes out and comes back she announces herself with loud meows so both of us screem "Rosie we are here". She has never done this before. During the day it doesn't bother us, but unfortunately she does it when we are sleeping too ! Fortunately Mr. G. has incorporated ear plugs and I often sleep with earplugs too, but then she jumps of my belly and checks if I am still alive !

The new scratching board has already been used vigorously as you can see !

and each morning she does some kind of gymnastic and plays the flying cat, she jumps around on all furnitures and makes strange noises until she lands on ther favorite chair !
It seems to me that she loves her "only" child life more and more, because she changes character a bit.
During the week I met N and as usual Isis greeted me friendly and tried to climb in my bag, but it was a bit too small. I couldn't take a picture because my camera was still in the bag.
The sun was shining and after a while of keeping us company she preferred to stay inside and take a sunbath on her cat tree.
Isis is a chatterbox she speaks all the time and answered each question you may ask her with loud meows !
We will continue with staying inside until probably May 18 !
Have you been told about the Big Move yet Rosie? You must supervise on the day and make sure your scratching post/bed goes with you. Perhaps Isis can help you pack.
You two are totally adorable and that sneeze must have been something!
Nice to see these 2 cuties. We our in lockdown until the 18th and I think it will be extended.
We are still on lockdown here. Supposedly they have eased restrictions a bit, but my human isn't planning on doing any clothes shopping, or even book shopping, anytime soon except online!
Great selfies you all. And a very Happy Mother's Day to your mom.
Emma and Buster
You sure seem to be coming out of your shell, Rosie! You can be whomever and however you want to be cause you have no competitions!
Pipo kind of was that way since Minko went to the RB in 2017.
Isis must love you a lot, getting in your bag is so cute!
Those pictures are all so furry sweet.
We, too, think scratchers are great places to sleep!
Great selfies, Rosie and Isis! The picture of Isis after the sneeze made us laugh. :)
Rosie and Isis, you are both so cute! Have a wonderful week.
Great selfies even if Isis was not so much in mood for that :-) Rosie is a good kitty to make sure you are alive!
Happy Sunday xo
Looks like you are all doing well. Hopefully there are no more monster sneezes!
Your Selfies are all very sweet, Rosie and Isis😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞
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