Sorry I have a dirty nose
My face looks so skinny, but I haven't lost weight

Each morning when I wake up I have this view !
I can't tell any funny story for the moment, as Rosie has fallen into a temporary (I hope so) winter sleep and only gets up for eating and her business !

Arthur is declining each day a bit more. He still manages to jump on the sofa and a bed, but not on the table anymore.
One eye has gotten worse and instead of only watering there is probably an infection. I have to go to the vet. His appetite is still very good he eats quite a lot, but becomes more and more bony and now he is also completely deaf.
What is very annoying is that he doesn't use his litter box anymore maybe because it is in the basement and he has to go down steps. I will put him one in the kitchen and see.
And here is how they spend the whole day !