The shot went off, with all these strings ! I thought everything is wireless now !

You hide a treat under the camera, true ??
We are all happy, summertime continues !

Rosie lays lazy on the warm tiles
or on the grass which also is her salad ! From time to time she tries to catch a fly, but otherwise she is far too lazy to move.
Sometimes there is the noise of rolling drums from far and Arthur hesitates if he should go already inside or wait until the thunderstorm really arrives. Often it's a false alarm.
I was a little worried because he didn't eat or only very little and became so skinny ! I tried out different cans of wet food for seniors over 7 and added a bit of water, to make a kind of soup, that he ate a bit. Then friends told me that their cats didn't eat very much either, probably because of the heat.
Poor Arthur had a bad adventure, he came home, wet !! but so wet that it took a whole day and night to dry his fur ! I rubbed him with a bath towel and strangely he didn't protest. At the same time I was furious I thought somebody had thrown a bucket of water on him. But who ?? Nobody in our street would ever do that, Arthur is so well loved by everybody. And then one of my neighbors told me that he probably had fallen in a swimming pool, which after Miss Marple like investigations I thought that could be possible, because he was wet everywhere except his head !
Poor little old boy was so shocked that he slept besides me the whole night and I had the impression to sleep besides a sponge. As it was so hot, it didn't disturb me. It was a win win !
We have gotten an invitation from our mayor to celebrate our 50th wedding day in the City hall. Arthur always careful, layed his tail over the invitation so that it couldn't fly away in case of a draft.