Just one ! no more .....

The food was good so I am in a good mood and show you how I digest happily ! Even making a selfie with a full stomach.

The hibernation continues although I wouldn't call this rainy weather winter, Arthur couldn't even hide once in the snow ! Therefore he turns around on my bed and grooms and sleeps !

Rosie too is always on the same places, but I think she must go out during night, because she was so friendly and brought a bird corps in Mr. G's room and he promptly stepped on it when he got out of his bed, barefood of course .... you should have heard him !

Rosie always sits besides me on the sofa for the moment

or sleeps between my legs while I watch TV. It's time that spring arrives !
Meanwhile for health reason I return to Egypt the only country which is close enough (4 h flight) where it is always warm and sunny. Even in Morocco in the desert they had a lot of snow !!

So from Wednesday on I will finally breath dry weather. My little cat family is in best hands with Mr. G !