I think I have to eat more, my face doesn't look round anymore !
I still look good, no doubt about that, but I think I have to loose some weight, my neck is so big !

Arthur go away, you are in my selfie !!
Strange, I have two eyes in one ?? and I don't wear contact lenses !
MOL! Arthur, you are as bad a photo bomber as Binga!
Nice selfies everyone! Any selfie that involves eating more is fine for me! Absolutely no need to lose weight, Arthur, that's just a foreshortening effect of the picture!
Purrs, Erin
We had forgotten about your blog hop but hope you all had a lovely tome.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Ha ha! We loved Arthur's photobombing of Rosie's selfie. And Kim, your selfie is sort of artsy!
hehehe sometime's you got to photo bomb,xx Speedy
Cute selfies!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Good photo bomb, Arthur. I have the same trouble as you Pookie, my face is getting thin too.
Great selfies from all of you.
We think all of your selfies are good ones! We get photo bombers here * sigh * But you just keep calm and purr on!
Kim, I think the camera might have been playing tricks on you.
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