Then he went off and inspected the neighborhood. I didn't see him anymore until late afternoon.
While I was watching TV, I saw a little fur thing running over the rug and then sat down and washed it's face. At a closer look I saw that it was a cute little mouse with very big ears ! I called Mr. G. who came with the speed of a young snail with a paper cone in his hand to catch the mouse and save her from a certain death. The cats, all four were laying around on sofas and chairs ! The mouse hid under the TV cabinet. Arthur who had seen something moving jumped from his radiator and sniffed under the cabinet. Of course he couldn't go underneath the space was far too narrow. So he sat there for a while and waited patiently. The mouse decided to stay under the TV.
When we went to bed, I closed the living and just left open a little space for the mouse under the shutters of the window door. That had always worked. Once alone, smelling the fresh air from somewhere the mousies had always escaped. But unfortunately not this one.

She probably was still in the living room when Mr. G. got up and opened the doors, because I found later the mouse in Pookie's bowl, dead of course. The murderer was Rosie, she is a mouse killer ! Then she was tired and rested for the whole day !

Our ex outside cat, becomes more and more affectionate. Even I am now allowed to pet her and could even brush her a bit. Not like her big love Mr. G. because there she waits on the table until he sits down and immediately jumps on his lap and remains there the whole evening.

Arthur was offended, he had thought that Mr. G. had prepared a nice plate for him and then he stated that it was this awfully tasting chocolate which humans love !

Arthur and Rosie always use the same radiator, although there are two ! So when one is squatting it, the other waits until it is free !
Evening Still Live, while watching TV, only Rosie sleeps on my lap !