The weather was nice so I took the opportunity to clean the entrance which was full of moss and looked rather green. With the help of a lot of chlorid in a bucket I scrubbed the whole entrance length.

assisted of course by Arthur, who checked the finished work, was satisfied with the result and returned inside.
My friend Dominique is on holidays and we "babysit" her budgies. Arthur loves them !

He doesn't try to jump at the cage and try to kill them, no, he sits just there and watches them. Apparently he is a cat ornithologist. Of course I wouldn't dare to leave him alone with the birds, they sit safely in the guest room with a closed door !
I tried to film Rosie when she makes these roaring noises chasing her mousies. Of course you just hear a little roar at the beginning and then she stopped.

and at least on the photos you see the mouse ! No wonder that after that she slept the whole day.

Good old Pookie is always looking for something to eat, since she shows the first signs of becoming an oldie, her first interest is food. She was rather disappointed that tissues are not eatable.
Kim is the ideal cat for somebody who doesn't like to write, because there is nothing I could write about her.