

Since the cold weather has moved in our cats suddenly become social. They share their evenings with us and even all four together !

That doesn't happen very often during the year.

I don't know what happened to Arthur but he has become such a tenderly cat who wants cuddles all the time. Very unusual too. Normally he only behaves like that when he wants some treats.

Here he sits on my lap with his tail hanging on my tray ! What a nice decoration. Fortunately I didn't cut off a slice.

Dear Rosie still spoils Pookie with her mousies she is in her "tidy up" phase, maybe in her mind spring cleaning has started already. Pookie doesn't care too much and takes it with philosophy.

I am always feeling observed when I work on my computer !

Arthur can be I don't know where, but when food is on the table he suddenly shows up. He checks what's on the menu and then starts to meauw loud until he gets something. Mr. G. of course hurries to give him something and forgets to eat himself. Pookie too is interested but she is very picky. Kim and Rosie are only watching, they don't like human food. Not even a piece of chicken !

Arthur had slept the whole afternoon on my place and when I showed up with my tray he didn't move a bit. I climbed over him put my legs on his left and right side and draped my kaftan around him, which didn't disturb him at all. He continued sleeping.

Mr. G. took the tray away when I had finished while Arthur stayed on my lap the whole evening (I nearly got a cramp) and from time to time he got up, stretched and then lay down again.

Winter evenings of an old retired couple !





Rosie had seen that the world outside had become completely white, and was very upset about it !

Finally she decided to play with her inside mousies and throw them in the air and jumped around like a little kangaroo ! Then she decided to chase Arthur a little bit, but he went away and she stood there wondering how he disappeared. During the night she had collected her mousies again around the food bowls in the kitchen and Pookie wasn't happy to find a green mouse in her dry food !

Arthur had a completely other reaction. When I opened the French doors to get in some fresh air before closing the shutters, he went outside to overlook the white scenery, but didn't put a paw in the snow.

The next morning he gathered all his courage and went outside to test the snow ! He realized that it was very soft to walk and he took the opportunity to dig a little hole to do his business and was quiet happy that he could cover it so easily, but then he hurried back into the house !

and warmed up his cold botty against the radiator

in the evening he was so kind and warmed my lap while we were watching TV !

Pookie does a 24 h sleeping marathon with a few interruption just to change from bed to sofa or the other way around.

Please don't forget to visit each other ! 






Miracles happen Kim our autistic cat decided to stay inside and choose the best chair of course.

Very suspicious she looks at me if I stay far away from her, if I come too close she would run away.

She also has chosen this place at the entrance, and before relaxing and lay down, she waits that I go away, she doesn't like to be petted ! It's a drama with this cat she would need to be brushed her fur starts getting knots again, but there is no way ! She divines thoughts ! A real medium !

For once they are all together waiting for breakfast, except Miss Rosie who has her private food in my "private" room, she only eats dry food for "fragile stomach" from Hill's of course ! Since she had been so sick, she doesn't touch anything else not even a piece of turkey !

The usually very lazy Pookie is still in her playful mood, and plays with everything she finds. She certainly will loose weight which wouldn't be a bad thing, she has enough reserves ! I suspect her getting spring feelings, Pookie is the kind of cat who would have 4 times a year a litter if she wasn't spayed !

Rosie was shocked when on Saturday I opened the shutters and she discovered a white world. No way to push her outside, she refused to put a paw in this white stuff ! I am sure she wonders where all the mousies are now under this white cover.

Arthur too, admired the white landscape for a while,

and then he decided to go outside to try it out, found it nice and jumped around like a young foal ! Sometimes he looked like a big snow ball with ears and a tail !





I don't know if my cats are happy that I am back from my short escape to the South of France, because nobody showed special signs.

Pookie had accepted to be pet by her previous servant our son, who had bought Pookie in a pet shop in London, before she moved in with us for 3 months since 7 years, as our son had to move to Amsterdam.
Of course she wouldn't want to go back to him, laying around and being cute and pose for me as model is her life now !

Rosie is full of energy ! She runs around as quick as an arrow, jumps in the air to catch her mousies, attacks the armchair and bites in it and last but not least collects her mousies during the night and tidys them up in the kitchen around the bowls and always one or even two in the water bowl.

Arthur too is in full shape, tries to play with his girls, and only gets some slaps and hisses back, but as a compensation he helps us in the household. He never had shown any interest in the Christmas tree, but when we wanted to take it of, he had a quick check on baby Jesus in the creche and on the tree in general !

Then he meditated about what was going on

and tried out if the boxes were strong enough for all the Father Christmasses, angels, ceramic houses etc.

Finally when everything was packed and the boxes closed, he went with Mr. G. to the basement, tried to make him fall on the steps and then collapsed against the radiator for a well earned nap !




I almost forgot my cats on Tuesday ! A shame to start the New Year ! But I have an excuse, I went to the South of France to celebrate New Year's Eve with my friend Claudie, family and friends.

Anyway during the week between Christmas and New Year, my dear cats made a nap marathon because it rained everyday and they didn't go out. According to Mr. G. whom I called this morning they even slept into the new Year !

I wish all our cat friends, with Mums, Dads, Servants or Slaves all the best for the New Year !