Kim really is a mad cat ! When it was so cold and everybody stayed inside, she was always outside and didn't want to come in. Now that it is rather warm outside, she has changed her mind and comes inside !She even sleeps on my bed which is a miracle !
she loves company of her "siblings" and always tries to sleep together with one, here she choose Arthur.
In Mr. G's office she shares the sofa with Pookie
and even with Mr. G. !
Rosie always likes to have company outside, then she feels more safe, Kim made the kitten sitter.
I have absolutely to take her to the groomer because her belly and around the neck is full of knots, and she hates to be brushed.
Arthur, when he doesn't ask for food enjoyed the first warm day outside, taking a sun bath and watching dogs going by. The dog owners are not very happy about that, because they have to pull their dogs back and it looks as if they did water ski. Arthur doesn't move !

Rosie when she doesn't sleep, plays with her mousies, or waits hidden behind a door or furniture to catch the tails of the others who just walk by. She is a little bitch !
When you read this I am sitting in the airplane taking me to Marseille in Southern France, where my friend Claudie waits for me to take me to her home, where I will spend a week. Mr. G. as usual will spoil the cats, so that they are also on holidays !