Each morning there is a big cat meeting in the kitchen. Everbody wants to have breakfast !
Always the first one is Lisa (18) who croakes loud in the office where she is locked in during the night, otherwise she would croak the whole night through. As soon as the door is open she hurries as quick as she can into the kitchen and croaks for food ! She can't meauw anymore

and she can't bent down. So she eats in a funny way with her legs spread apart, and her still quite fat belly hangs down on the floor. She is always hungry !

Rosie is more difficult she watches the others before she checks what is on the plates today, and usually only eats some dry food. But over all she checks if her mousies are still around and in the food bowls and if the kitchen looks tidy and clean !

Arthur doesn't care at all how the kitchen looks like, before sniffing at the bowls he jumps up and looks besides the sink if he can't find anything better. He was not happy at all that he found dog food, what a shame ! But then he remembered Yanouk our neighbor dog and thought it is probably for him.
Therefore he checked the dry food which I had no time to put on the floor. Arthur has his favourites, for weeks he only would eat one brand mark and then suddenly stop and start with another one for weeks. To me to find out which one is just right for his Highness ! One thing is for sure he won't starve thanks to all our neighbours !

Pookie too was scandalized to find dog food ! and she doesn't like Yanouk the dog at all ! She too had to check if there was something better up there !
As usual Kim is always missing. She doesn't like to be in a crowded kitchen, she waits when nobody is in there and has breakfast then.