But then suddenly she had enough of playing around alone. She looked at me, saw that I was scotched at my screen and didn't move

so she decided to look for another victim to play with and found

deep sleeping Arthur. In fact I had found him in this position when I came in the living room this morning and got a shock, I thought he was dead ! But Rosie proved me that Arthur was very well alive and attacked !

Poor Arthur woke up and found himself face to face with his beloved Rosie (maybe at this moment not so beloved after all)

After having washed him for a short while, she bite him tenderly in his cheak

Maybe it wasn't that tender, because Arthur didn't look too happy.

So he got up and jumped on the floor, recovering from his sudden wake up thinking already about the next (quite !!) place to nap.

As Rosie was not busy anymore I asked her to pose for me for a nice Valentine's picture. Rosie wasn't in the mood now she wanted to sleep and here is the result !
PS. My blogfriend Toni had to take the terrible decision to have put asleep her cat Baghira. She has no cat blog and doesn't participate in cat blogworld either. But she is so sad that I thought we cat lovers should visit her and comfort her a little.

As many are complaining that their cats are only sleeping whole day, I made this award for our sleeping marathon cats. Please feel free to pick it up for your cat.