After breakfast a little running around to keep a good shape. Since the Christmas tree is standing in a corner they always have to run there and hide under the table cloth. It is a miracle that the tree is still standing !
Michico, Adan's secretary sent me an email and explained how I could set my camera to take as beautiful eyes as Adan has on her photos. It was really very nice of her to explain it to me ! Thank you so much Michico. Now I have tried it out, but I don't know if it is my camera or Rosie's special eyes !

Suddenly she has huge green pupils instead of black, it looks like having two marbles instead of eyes.

I certainly did something wrong.

But she still looks better then with headlights in place of her eyes.

Is that your case ??
Merry Christmas!!
Lucy always sleeps with Mom and it is amazing how much of the bed one cat can take up!
The cartoon at the end is so funny!
Merry Christmas to you all,
I like to have cats in my bed :)
I think christmas trees and cats (at my house also dogs) is not the best combination. I hope you have wonderful days with your pets.
Dear Gattina~!
I realize your photo become more clear~! That is great improve on Rosie's fur~!! I can see her more detail, and I love it :)
I think your camera type is better enough to capture, so, you may turn off the flash. If you take photo in day light, turn off the light for sure, it will be perfect. Certainly hope that you kitties is stable in one spot. when they sleep or not moving, you shoot~!! It will be perfect~!!!
When you shot at night, you may take shot at the light spot.It's good, at night the eyes are big you know, it will have different feeling~!!! Only if they are in the moving or in dark place, using flash light. Not using flash light the result will be perfect, just we human need to wait the perfect time.
I always do very stupid pose in front of Adan for capture his best angle, hahaha~! I mean really funny post~! But it's worth it~!!!
I think, Arthur may be the best model, he is white and stable. He could be the best practice target:) I believe you can take excellent shot of Rosie in very short time~!!!!
Look forward to your new photos :)
Your place is so festive :) Rosie is very cute too. I also like the cartoon,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Don't worry about the squirrels!! They are only for entertainment.Besides kitties are indoor cats.It's fun to watch the squirrels and birds that come :)
Have a look at the photos on my post for today...you won't be surprised...lol.
Kitties in the bed - I know what you mean, I wonder how we have enough room every night!
Merry Chrissymouse to you and yours, and we Ballicai wish you alla the best in the New Year!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Happy Holidays to you and yours, and I wish you the happiest of Happy New Years!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas!
It is amazing how much room little kitties can take up in a bed. Rosie's eyes are interesting in those shots. I love the cartoon.
Those are lovely photos of Rosie, despite the "marble" eyes. I don't find that cartoon very funny, since tinsel can kill cats.
hallo Gattina,
ich möchte dir und deiner Familie ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr wünschen. Stella macht sich auch bei uns im Bett breit, aber meistens dann, wenn sie möchte, dass wir aufstehen und sich um sie kümmern. :-) Liebe Grüße, Andrea und Stella
Merry X-mas for Arthur, Lisa, Pookie, Rosie & family.
From Mexico a lot of kisses*
My humans cannot put anything breakable on the tree--every year I climb the tree--all day, so they don't decorate it until Christmas Eve. I am very small--a tiny 6.7 lb cat so i climb like a kitten.
They cannot put lihts on the tree because of Dennis-- he chews the cords --a lot.
Dennis wants to join cats on tuesday too--but Dennis' computer says the server cannot find it, Dennis wil try again later.
Dennis chews cords only when the cords taste good. twinkle light cords are the most delicious. Everybody knows that!
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