


When Mr. G. had put the suitcase which contained the Advent and Christmas decoration into our living room, Rosie got really excited !

She turned around and sniffed and went inside to see all the treasures which were in there. But then she lost all interest and went away to other occupations.

Arthur was rather bored. When everything was done, he was sitting there as table decoration without Christmas balls, yawned and also found something more interesting to do,

eating Lasagna with Mr. G ! Was that ever good, and he cleaned the dish,

before he retired behind my T-shirts. He had moved from the bedlinnen in the wardrobe to my summer T-shirts. Probably by now, they will look as if it had snowed inside with all the white hair he is loosing !

Pookie snobs the whole Christmas preparations, she had assisted to that for the last 10 years, so she knows it all !

Now after all the turkies some of you ate on Thanksgiving and already to prepare you for Christmas, please don't forget to do these exercises every day, to keep you in form !

Luna at Catsynth, has her birthday today ! I am sure she would appreciate if you wish her a happy birthday !

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The Chair Speaks said...

Arthur, the official plate cleaner? LOL!
Pookie looks so pretty here.

We love Luna said...

Bonjour dear friends!
Arthur is still enjoying the wardrobe! hehehe smart boy!
I'm with Rosie, I'm curious about the box with all Christmas decoration, looks funny!Pookie, you are always adorable, I love the cat aerobics, thanks for this idea!
purrs and happy Tuesday!

Ellen Whyte said...

Arthur is soooo cheeky! Poor Mr G!

Those Christmas hangings look like fun. We'd play with them if we could get there.

Mr Puddy said...

Arthur, You look like one of the decor on that table : )

Pookie, You are an expert ( 10 years experience : )

And thank you for Cat Aerobics, I have to keep practice : )

Luna und Luzie said...

Gattina, das ist ja eine coole Idee, das ganze Zeug in einen Koffer zu packen.
Great that Mr.Gattino shared his Lasagna with Arthur....now our cats would love to move in your house ;o)
Arthur in the wardrobe looks very comfy. I bet he leaves a lot of white hairs on your T-Shirts...

*Happy Tuesday*

Maribeth said...

Arnie and Fritz help me like this. The girls are too good to get up and assist me with decorating! lol!

Elizabeth P said...

Soooo cute as always! :)
Thanks for the advice! I´ll do these exercises everyday, cat aerobics is great! LOL

Katnip Lounge said...

We would have to help every step of the way...our Mommy is so inept.
Arthur, you have excellent table manners.

Miss Kitty said...


So very nice to meet you all.

We missed the first advent since we just came off of Thanksgiving Day and since we had hosted , dad need three days of rest.

Later today he will pull from storage the wreaths and start decorating the house.

Seeing Arthur licking your plate clean is something I do here too. One ha to help out once in a while.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season,
Ms K and Egmont

Sparkle said...

I am hoping my human pulls out the Christmas decorations this year - it has been a couple of years since she did that.

catsynth said...

A new open box is always interesting - I'm not surprised Rosie was curious.

And that is really cute how Arthur shares lasagna with Mr. G. He definitely has good taste :)

Today is Luna's birthday - we'd love our COT friends to stop by and wish her a happy birthday!

catsynth said...

A new open box is always interesting - I'm not surprised Rosie was curious.

And that is really cute how Arthur shares lasagna with Mr. G. He definitely has good taste :)

Today is Luna's birthday - we'd love our COT friends to stop by and wish her a happy birthday!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow we are surprised that the box wasn't crawling with cats trying to see what was in it - at our house they would just be going crazy over it!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Christmas time is really coming~~~~

catsynth said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Luna!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Fanks for the exercise regime ~ we will start straight away! Ho Ho Ho!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Miles LOVES Christmas things! and we both love lasagna! it is the most wonderful taste in the world!!

Now it is good that you help your mom and dad so much!! They could never do things without both of you.

Pookie, you should relax and just keep watching everything! your two back feet are very sweet and so daintily posed!

meowmeowmans said...

We can see the cats are a big help with the decorating! ;)