


When I came in the kitchen one morning to feed my little darlings, Rosie had already prepared the "table"

She had decorated the water bowl with her mouse and I only had to add dry and can food. Isn't she a caring little housewife ?

Arthur didn't like what was served and had a look on Rosie's special diet food. I have to put it on the cat tree, so no other cat can go up there, they are all too heavy. But Arthur is not stupid he found another solution and now I have to put the bowl on the other side so that he can't reach it. Fortunately he doesn't like dry food too much, so he would only go there when he feels that he would be the victime of a terrible starvation dead !

The two girls hate each other dearly, look at Rosie's killer eyes and Pookie answers with hisses !

These are the last pictures I took for Cats on Tuesday, aren't they exciting ?? Admire the restless activities !

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The Chair Speaks said...

Arthur's so careful in walking among those cat figurines to reach Rosie's special food. LOL!

Sparkle said...

MOL, and I thought we three cats were high maintenance!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Your cats always seem to be busy doing something interesting even if it is just a nap. They are not nearly as lazy as mine,
I think it is so funny how the mouse is aways put in the bowl. Rosie was so nice to prepare the table . Arthur is very clever, I wonder if he will find another way to get to the other side to eat the special diet food.

Ellen Whyte said...

Cats are so inventive when it comes to ways of sneaking into food that is someone else's. Love the way the girls glare at each other too.

Whisppy said...

The concentration on Arthur's face is priceless. All that to munch on some forbidden kibbles! I love the pictures of your kitties. :)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We fink Arthur is very clever finding ways to get the forbidden food.

We love Luna said...

Bonjour dear friends!
Oh Rosie, you are such a smart girl and very talented.I've never tried to put my mouse inside the water bowl, I think it is a great idea!
I love the pictures of you all.The collage with Arthur trying to get food is adorable, he is curious about the different and dry food.Here I only eat dry food, the name is Royal Canin - Sensible 33, I like it a lot!But I need to confess that sometimes I steal lettuce from the kitchen.By the way dear Gattina, do you know what is the reason that I need these "green"things?
Thanks so much for this lovely meme "Cats on Tuesday", it will be my company all day long because my sister came back to school and I'm feeling upset.The house is so quite!
purrs and love

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Oh yes, looking at the Cats on Tuesday, they are so hyper, why can't they relax..lol Arthur, very clever, not a knicknack got paddywhacked in that move!

Boom Nisanart said...

Arthur is so smart !
And I think Rosie and Pookie must turn to be teenager
Kim, I guess she has a good day

Happy Cats Tuesday : )

Cindy said...

Love Rosie's look! Great collage of Arthur.

Luna und Luzie said...

Arthur, do you think that Rosies food is better ? Olli thought yesterday that Patch food must be better and eats all from the dog bowl. After that he has to vomit ...
Pookie and Rosie are like Luna and Luzie....hissssss
Love all the sleeping cats on the last picture.

*Happy Tuesday*

cats of wildcat woods said...

Boy these cts are quite the characters! So much fun in your hosue!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Arthur you are clever to find a way. I think the bowl looks good with a mousie in there too. LOvely sleepy picture at the end.. Hugs GJ xx

Unknown said...

Rosie is too cute with her mousies. Around here it is the kiddos that put things in the cat bowls lol.

catsynth said...

It is interesting to see all their different behaviors, Rosie with her mousies, Arthur with his cleverness, and such.

Annie Bear said...

Rosie is so cute to bring her mousie to the water bowl.

Love the collage of Arthur getting Rosie's food. Lucy and Simba are always convinced the other's food is better. It's a non ending pursuit.

Rosie and Pookie sure are cute even if they do hate eachother.

The last pictures are good too. Arthur looks so funny in his pose.

Irishcoda said...

I love Rosie's decorating of the table, good for her to add some color to her water bowl! It's so funny about cats on special diets. Kosmo's on a diet to control his weight. The rest of the gang wants *his* food. Meanwhile, he's always trying to figure out how to get at theirs!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know how much your site brightens my day--I have five kitties (Charmin, Buffy, Angel--who should've been named Angelus ;-), Tinker, and Midnight) and I love reading your blog! I also had a siamese named Luna, that passed to The Bridge this last February (she was 24, and diabetic--I gave her insulin shots twice daily since she was 19) and she was my baby--I miss her so very much! Just wanted to tell you that your Luna is beautiful too :-)

Elizabeth said...

Oh my, what cuties your kitties are. The one that puts a mouse in the water dish reminds me of my Sunny, who reminds us there is no food in his bowl by putting my daughter's hair twisties in it when it is empty...to draw attention to the fact.

Aren't they clever, these furry friends?


ChrisJ said...

I had to come and look at your cat blogs -- I'm a pushover for cats.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

All of you are so helpful and "domesticated". What a great help for mom.
I love the photos of all of you in your very cheerful and colorful house!

ps: we looked at the paintings blog (why so late, oh well, we just found it) the paintings are marvelous

bonkbonks to all ofyou in tiny tiny Belgium :-)

meowmeowmans said...

Arthur is a very creative rascal!