WCB host is at Tuxedo Gang Hideout
The (poor) cats had to spend Christmas alone. But apparently they survived very well, as the little son of my neighbor took good care of them. And finally what is the most important for a cat? It is a full bowl ! And there they had more then enough. It also was not a long absence, only one day and night.
When we came back Rosie had a lot to do. First she had to pose as a model for me and look cute. This wasn't very difficult. Rosie has become a real girl ! With some cats you don't see immediately if it is a male or a female, but there is no doubt with Rosie. Even my friends who are not cat specialists call here "she" immediately. It is already the way she walks, Marilyn Monroe was an orphan against her ! And then the way she always has to make order everywhere, I still find every morning her mice toys gathered around the bowls. During the day I don't see them.

Rosie here as model.
When I unpacked our suitcase I put all the gifts I have got on my bed. Of course Rosie had to check them immediately. She especially loved the little wooden cats.
And when I came back from my shopping, she sat in the carton and wait until I put it on the floor to just jump inside and play.
Rosie really is a very busy cat !

Rosie is a beautiful lady now~!
She is really gogerous, and loves you very much~!!!! We are really very lucky could have Tuxi, don't we~!
Well, a tuxi cat always busy for sure, they always could find something they "have" to do~!
So, Rosie has to be busy~! Nothing will let them get tired, have to check our every tiny detail~!!!!
I like both slide shows about her, she always reminds me Adan's younger ages, and I believe Rosie will grow more and more beautiful~!!!!!
Re Hello
The house is empty because Pierre is at work and the daughters out with their friends! But not total empty because I'm at home with 3 of my cats! The little Tiger don't like to come in! But he's so cute!
Rosie is a beautiful girl! I think my two cat girls aren't so delicate than yours! Pierre et moi nous allons passer le réveillon du jour de l'an en amoureux à la maison pendant que les deux sisters vont le passer chez leurs amis. Je pense qu'on se préparera un bon p'tit repas aux chandelles et qu'on se louera un bon film!
Rosie has been very busy checking everything out for you! We have had house guests and have not had much time to post.
Hope your have a Happy New Year!
I bet you are in Amersterdam still? Or am I only confused as usual? But I looked at Rosie in the large size photo and she is so sleek and shiny. Very gorgeously healthy! Happy New Year, Gattina.
Rosie, you are very cute!
Rosie is as cute as she can be....! But all your cats are adorable! Now I have to find which of your blogs has the Amsterdam Pictures! (lol)
She sure is a pretty kitty!
Haha, Luna also love it to sit in card boxes and Frieda always try it to pee in it.
Rosie is a cute kittie!
Ich überlege gerade, ob Frieda auch eine Tuxedo cat ist ???Was meinst du ?
Rosie is a gorgeous tuxi girl. She is so cute when she is checking out your Christmas gifts.
Moe & Mindy
Rosie is such a beautiful girl! And oh yes, she is an excellent Kitty Snoopervisor. *smile* Snoopervision is so much fun -- my mom likes to say she doesn't know how she used to get along without us Ballicai to help her.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
Your friends from The Cat Realm
Poor little babies! Fridolin and Maruschka also had to spend their Christmas alone...
Cheers and Happy New Year!
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