It's soooo hot never ever we had to support 40° (100 F) although we love heat, but this was too much !!
When we stopped in Budapest/Hungary, just in front of our hotel, was a "Cat Café" ! I hadn't seen it, but one of my companions immediately told me that when we arrived in the hotel.
I know there was one in Brussels, and it starts a bit everywhere, but that I would be able to sit in a cat café and have coffee and a piece of delicious Hungarian cake, I would never have thought of my life;
When I entered the café, there was a reception room with double doors, one with grids and one normal. The lady at the desk gave me a notice that I had to read, how to handle the cats and above all not to disturb them, or force them to do something they don't like. I had no problem when I told her that I was a cat lady and had owned 5 cats at once.
The café was a cozy room with tables and chairs and a little "living" room for the cats. On the wall boards were fixed where the cats could walk along and retire in little baskets or houses.
I found a seat at a round table and was delighted when a huge ginger cat sniffed at my bag and then settled down besides me on the other chair. I had never seen such a big cat ! The chair was rather too small for her. I stayed there for a couple of hours chatting with the other guests and observing the other cats I saw 6 in total but apparently they were 10.

For those who don't understand the cat language, this was hanging at the door

The Hungarian love of my life ! He didn't ask for food, not even for the whipped cream ! Arthur would have been already in my plate !

They can climb from wall to wall

The cats walked around and you could pet them

some also liked to play

Their corner !

walking around

and jumping from house to board along the wall

The cat café works together with a cat shelter and this little one was for adoption.

All the others belong to the café. The money they get from the café is for the shelter.I think that is a real good idea !
From my cats there is nothing special to report, when I came back it was so hot that I hardly saw them, they were hiding in the coolest spots and only showed up for the meals !