Go away with your camera ! I am in a bad mood today !
and I don't move, I just had chicken and feel happy !
Having spring weather in February is great ! Rosie does her little walks and checks if there are some hidden mousies. So far she hasn't found any !

The little cat figures had become green/grey and I had washed them with Chlorid and now they look white again.

For once Rosie posed like a model !
and then she was looking for her portion of grass to eat as salad, return inside and barf on a carpet.
After all these efforts, she finally collapses on the armchair

In the evening I have this nice view of synchronized grooming, one on the armchair the other on the floor, and then Arthur stretches to his full length and lets the heat penetrate into his belly.

He is happy that the sun is shining and stays outside until it becomes to cold.
A part from that, always hungry Arthur had opened a package of chocolate cookies had eaten one leaving crumbs all over the sofa and the tiles. The damaged package was under the table. It took me a while to clean everything, while Arthur happily watched his servant !