Black cats have long been and for some people still are associated with witches and witchcraft, and therefore most of the costumes and decorations for Halloween are black cats and witches. Why it is so has been almost forgotten.
That black cats are witches was largely believed in the Middle Age and the poor cat was considered as very evil. Because cats are nocturnal and roam at night, they were believed to be supernatural servants of witches, or even witches themselves. They also believed that black cats are witches in disguise or reborn witches !
For several centuries "witches" were rounded up, tried, and killed by burning or other violent methods and often their familiars were killed along with them. And of course all black cats had a very hard life and were mostly killed.
But fortunately, regardless of these superstitions, black cats have their own large group of fans who love to be surrounded by these glossy black furr balls of love. And I belong to them. My first cat, Piccola, who shared my life for 20 years was black and brought me only luck !
Now we have Kim who since a few months has completely changed and out of a very shy and almost feral cat (although she came from my friend's breed) became an affectionated and friendly cat after 4 years ! I don't know what happened to her but now she behaves like a "normal" cat and even get's on our nerves as she "talks" so much
I should put her a hat on and give her a broom so with her two spotlights serving as eyes she could well scare people in the neighbourhood !
One thing is good ! At least I have a living Halloween decoration walking through the house !
Kim and Arthur mostly sleeping side by side