

This Blog was the first one I started when I discovered blogging ! Sadly I can't continue my life has completely changed in the last 2 years. When my husband Rick was diagnosed Parkinson, and he had more and more difficulties to walk, we moved into an apartment.

The only cat who moved with us was little Rosie. All the others who lived with us in our house a cheerful inside/outside cat life passed away little by little. Arthur fell asleep forever in March, he just didn't wake up anymore. He was too old. It was better for him because he would never get used to an inside life. Rosie, now 15 got used to the inside life immediately and has completely changed. She is not shy anymore, she became a social cat, but she never leaves the apartment even if the door is open. She only goes out on our terrace when I am there too. Then came the lockdown and Rick's disease got worse and worse. He had to be hospitalized as he suffered hallucinations and I couldn't handle him anymore. After the hospital he was for nearly one year in a retirement home, where slowly slowly he also got Alzheimer. He also died in his sleep just like his beloved Arthur. 

Rosie is not an adventurous cat. She sleeps the whole day in her basket and runs around during the night. 

Rosie's inside cat life as only "child"

The cats who shared my life

I kept my main Blog WRITER CRAMPS in case you want to follow me and Rosie. I try to blog but sometimes I am just without any energy it is not easy to live without the man who was the love of your life.


Ingrid said...

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

Sorry to see this blog will not be active any longer, but yes, we do follow you in your other blog, and its nice to see Rosie there too sometimes! Hugs to you, Gattina!! ((( ♥ )))

Blogger changed it's "comment" style once again and some couldn't post !

Anonymous said...

Oh no Im so very sad to read all of this!🥺💔 Arthur was my favorite kitty.. Then your husband watching him decline then pass.. You have has so much sadness xx
I dont follow your other blog & im sorry to hear you are ending this one. I dont blame you, you & Rosie have been through many changes, im glad you have her🐾❤
Take care & be well
Erika from New Hampshire usa

Kitties Blue said...

We are sorry to hear about your losses. Our mom cannot imagine the pain you have suffered and sends many prayers and good wishes. We will definitely miss you here, but will follow on the other blog. You and Rosie stay well and take good care of each other. Sending much love and many hugs, Kitties Blue and Mom Janet

Julie Bickerstaff said...

I have enjoyed following this blog for a long time and will miss it. I am sorry for your losses but am glad to see you and Rosie still together. I wish you all the happiest of times and thank you for sharing your life with kitties.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

So sorry, Gattina and Rosie. We know it's hard to bear😿We also will follow you in your other blog as we know you for some time now. Double Soft Pawkisses from us to you and Rosie🐾😽💞